in Thailand
Below the skyscrapers and serene temples, the streets of Bangkok paint a vivid picture of life with colorful characters and lively energy.
From its origins as a tiny backwater settlement, Bangkok rose to become the unlikely capital of Siam. The natural canal and river system caused the region to become a center of commerce and international trading. In the decades leading up to WWII, European, American and Asian powers were vying for political power in Southeast Asia, leading Bangkok to band together to define modern Thai culture and successfully resist these outside pressures. The Thailand as we know it today has been shaped directly by Bangkok and it remains the heart and soul of the country.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed in the frenetic streets of Bangkok. Below the towering skyscrapers lie an infinite amount of pedestrians and motorcycle taxis that are in constant movement. Few places can match the street life of Bangkok, which has given an entirely new meaning to urban exploration. The intense mix of flavors found in Thai cuisine is best experienced in its most authentic form, especially at 24-hour food stalls and open-air markets. Bangkok is one of the leading culinary destinations, especially for the adventurous foodie.
Joining the likes of Paris, Tokyo and New York as one of the world’s culinary superpowers, Bangkok undoubtedly offers the best value for your wallet. From May to November, the weather is extremely hot and humid, with afternoons marked by strong showers and dramatic thunderstorms. Between November and February is the ideal time to visit Bangkok, as the tropical weather strikes the perfect mix between humid and comfortable. The bustling megacity of Bangkok is synonymous with traffic, so consider taxicabs and tuk-tuks for fun, efficient and cheap alternatives to get around.